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Pretty Birdy - Nute Gunray/Rune Haako



That slash is there for a reason...

Another group from the magazine cover. Nute is showing off his (horrendously poor rendition of a) red-spotted pylat bird. If you've read Darth Plagueis, you will understand that this bird is, effectively, the reason he invaded Naboo, got arrested, joined the CIS, helped start the Clone Wars, ran for his life, ended up on Mustafar, and was later killed. I don't know what I did to this particular piece, but my best friend told me there was a "ton of chemistry" in it...I guess I'll never be able to completely hide the fact that Gunraako is my OTP. Although, I will admit, I did make this set so that people could decide for themselves if there was something there or not ;)

The magazine cover: [link]
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1368x1600px 241.68 KB
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EmperorDarthSidious's avatar

I just can't stop being fascinated with the Neimoidians in TPM and the Moffs in ANH (because those are the 2 movies that they're respectively the main villains of) for the same reason I can't stop being fascinated with SEELE in Evangelion. The Star Wars universe has really crafted great villains.