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Neimoidian Magazine - Background



The background from the magazine cover.

Oh lordy, did this take a while! I spent, literally, an entire day working on this, from morning to...well, next morning. This was made almost entirely in SAI, rather than Photoshop (only the border was Photoshop), and based off of various Neimoidian designs, using concept art of Lott Dod's palace as a reference.

-The circles with triangles are Sovereign Beetle patterns (one of Neimoidianity's most sacred and powerful symbols - you see it everywhere from fashion to furniture, a good example of which is Nute Gunray's own mechno chair), and the centre design is based off of the large light in the foyer of the palace.
-The border made of squares is based on the same pattern that lines the walls in the palace (also in the foyer); they are derived from the Sovereign Beetle pattern, I assume.
-The diamond-like patterns, in the corners, are what I call the "Golden Reed" pattern, and were based off of the spears from Neimoidian statues I found in some concept art.
-The two zigzag/triangle patterns at the top and bottom are also derivatives of the Sovereign Beetle pattern, and are found on the legs of the BD droids in Lott Dod's palace (a very clever, and very Neimoidian, idea - keeping a sacred pattern even on droids), according to some concept art I found.
-Finally, the pale circle with the Golden Reed pattern around the central Sovereign Beetle pattern was based upon the carpet in the foyer, just below the light.

Did you get all that? 8D

The magazine cover: [link]
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2454x3534px 3.08 MB
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MU-Cheer-Girl's avatar
Neat job! It looks really beautiful!