Look at that!  - Sib Canay + AideKweh-chan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kweh-chan/art/Look-at-that-Sib-Canay-Aide-307143599Kweh-chan

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Look at that! - Sib Canay + Aide



The first of the individual Neimoidian groups I made for my magazine. Each of these were drawn individually, then resized and added to the final cover file. Here is Sib Canay and his, as of now, unnamed aide. I would love to be able to name him, one of these days. This is my first time drawing either of them.

The magazine cover: [link]
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1224x1744px 180.42 KB
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toht981's avatar
I almost thought back then that these two might catch Ahsoka and Riyo Chuchi under the table.