Winter Princess KianaKutty-Sark on DeviantArt

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Winter Princess Kiana


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Kiana Kaslana from Honkai Impact 3rd.
I do really love these winter icy costumes of Kiana and Herrscher Kiana. In a case you are not into Honkai lor - these two girls are different versions of the same character ^^ I thought that these winter costumes would match perfectly<3 Unfortunately I don't have them, but I can draw them at least \+3+/
Drawing these I couldn't stop imagining an alternate Snow Queen version that ends with Gerda realizing that she was a Snow Queen all that time.
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1202x849px 1.19 MB
© 2019 - 2025 Kutty-Sark
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Ohweep's avatar

This is so pretty!! amazing work!~