Manip Challenges #005 Winner + some thoughts

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kuschelirmel's avatar

...and the winner is

In my sight You were just in time by StarsColdNight

"In my sight you were just in time" by StarsColdNight


you will be contacted for your price.

The two runners up:

Embracing The Sun by naradjou14 Regeneration by PhoenixalThor

"Embracing the Sun" by naradjou14 | "Regeneration" by  PhoenixalThor

:bulletred: :bulletred: :bulletred:

and now for something unpleasant

Some thoughts

This challenge doesn't have much to offer in terms of prices, just some stock and some features. It's supposed to be something to either help you get over artist's block by giving you something to play with or to actually challenge you to do something extraordinary with the stocks given (which are usually chosen in a way to be easily usable).

There is just me choosing the best ten for a poll, just for some extra kicks and so I'm not the only one deciding who gets the stock this time. And there is one little rule: don't ask people to vote for you. Not in a journal, not in a poll, not in notes. It's unfair because some have more watchers than others and will therefore be able to get more support. Even if your watchers only vote for you if they really like your work, it still stands to reason they will like your work more than others because after all they watch you for a reason.

This was the first time I had to disqualify someone for asking for votes (in a journal AND a poll). I believe them when they say they didn't know (despite this rule being clearly stated in the challenge journal and the headline of the voting poll). What I don't understand is why I had to put up with the journal being altered in a way that made me look like an unfair bitch while the deviant was simulatenously whining via note how unfair I was to disqualify them and their flock was commenting on said journal and poll how unfair that was, too, without ever reading our rules or having ever heard about the group I imagine...

I should have warned them, I was told - but how else besides putting the warning in the poll headline? I should have given them an oportunity to explain and do something to correct their mistake - but how do you "undo" a public journal and get the votes undone?

And the joke: the deviant was in the lead the last time I checked before the journal and poll came out. So why on earth ask?! Is it that important to get a few votes more? Do some of you need that for your egos?

I have removed their donations from the challenge journal as I was asked.

I don't know yet if there will be another challenge soon. I don't have much time aside from work and each of the last times I made the effort to do something, someone was there and ready to complain. This time it was the poll, last time it was the apparent sameness of the entries,... I'm tired of this.


Stock images & brushes courtesy of ChristasVengel-stock, RiNymph-Stock, dazzle-textures, DadiLights, iMouritsa, frozenstocks, PilgrimSoul, joannastar-stock, Atenaispd, bittbox & kuschelirmel-stock.
Design & coding by kuschelirmel-stock.
Journal Credits
© 2013 - 2025 kuschelirmel
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Altair-E's avatar
Congratulation to the winner! :clap: