Manip Challenge Special (#005)

12 min read

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kuschelirmel's avatar

Welcome to another round of Manip Callenges!
As we haven't had one of those in a while (okay, understatement of the year), I thought we'd do a special this time. Normally, I give you 8 images and you have to use at least 2 - today, I'm going to give you 10 images and you have to use at least 3 (differenent ones, not three fire images)! And not just any stock images - these are the ones I used for my latest image Dragonsbane.

Your task is to create an image using as many of the same stock as you can, preferably with your outcome different from mine - before you say anything: I'm well aware that with the same stocks you can only do so much. If you like you can even try to do the same image (a little credit for the idea would be nice though), it is up to you. This is a challenge for you after all, and if you think you rather try to achieve the same result and work on your technique rather than follow the approach of trying to create something else, I'm fine with that! The official criteria for judging who gets a spot in the final poll will be the diversity as well as technique, so whichever way you choose you have a chance (just be aware that the closer to my image you decide to go, the more I will look for your technique).

Dragonsbane by kuschelirmel

I've been wanting to do this for a while because I think that sometimes, copying someone else's ideas gives your own art a new perspective just as using the same stock but aiming for a different outcome can. I know there are many people out there who will take offense at this approach, saying that copying others' ideas is anything from lame to despicable, but never legitimate. I'm not saying that there isn't a very fine line between being a despicable copycat and what I am proposing here. There sure is and it is hard to put into words. For myself, I've found that when someone does little but copying other people's ideas, it's pathetic. But those who do nothing but copy themselves (because they have such a great & unique style after all) and don't look left nor right fall into the trap of stagnation. As an artist, that cannot be good either, no matter how many followers tell you how great you are. And besides, some stock images are made for certain ideas - it's not rocket science to arrive at the same outcome whether you've seen the other person's manip or not. In cases like that I find the whole discussion about copying the most ridiculous. But anyway, enough of my musings and on with the challenge!

The Rules

  • You are given 8 10 stock images (see below) of which you have to use at least TWO THREE (different ones, not three fire images ;P) in a way that we don't have to go
    hunting for them with a looking glass.
  • You can use additional stock, but I ask you not to use premades - this is a challenge for your skills, not for someone else's.
  • Your entry has to be a photomanipulation or a digital mixed media piece with a good deal of photomanipulation in it.
  • Please specify in your artist's comment that this is an entry for Photomanipulated's Manip Challenges Special (#005)!
  • Your entry has to be uploaded to dA and submitted to Photomanipulated's Manip Challenges folder (you need to be a member for that - everyone is welcome to join, just click the "join" button on the left side of the group's front page!) before the deadline specified below.
  • All stock used has to be credited properly and it has to be legitimate stock to begin with. No stock see !
    No celebrity pictures, no stuff "found on google" - you can't use anything you don't have permission to use. Plus you should be aware that not everyone offering free stock has the right to offer the images in the first place (so called "renders" are a no-go, as are premades using stock from or other stock sites!). Please read this article for more information on copyright.
  • If you are using your own photos I ask that you say so in the artist's comment to avoid any misunderstandings
  • You can enter as often as you like, but keep it reasonable. Personal tip: choose one entry (your best) to officially enter, so you don't have yourself as competition.

The Deadline

May 24th, 11:59 pm CET (German time zone)
:pointr: Countdown (so you don't have to wrap your head around the whole time zone thing)

The Stock

Remember: you need to use at least TWO THREE (can use more) of the stocks below.

Mystical Forest Background by Burtn Jungle by Jisei
:thumb272650074: Embracing the Storm by Erethkhaniel Fountain 03 by ArnaTornwolf
Woodland Floor by SalsolaStock Mad Sky 8 by SalsolaStock
Fire.. by PavStock Magic fire 01 by Ayelie-stock
(you don't have to use this particular Magic Fire image, there are 6 "Magic Fire" images
in Ayelie-stock's gallery you can choose from - but only one
of them counts as one stock image used)

The Prizes

This is not a contest as such, so the prizes will be small. I hope you'll find inspiration in these, not riches. However, a little incentive
doesn't hurt, so I'm offering exclusive stock from my stock account kuschelirmel-stock for the winner (maybe for the top three, but
that depends on the turnout). And of course there will be a journal featuring all participants and the winner especially.

Exclusive stock donated by WDWParksGal & kuschelirmel-stock
Journal features donated by: nikkidoodlesx3 & kuschelirmel

Donations are welcome, but keeping with the challenge idea, I don't want to offer points! If you want to donate, please donate exclusive stock or journal features! No llamas either please.

The Judging

I (kuschelirmel) will narrow the entries down to 10 (should there be more than ten entries to begin with) and then we will have a public vote at Photomanipulated -- there will be no asking others to vote for you! If I find out you're cheating, you'll be disqualified.

The Entries

All entries can be found in this folder (where they should be submitted to by you to officially enter).

:dalove: Good Luck! :dalove:

CSS credit goes to:
Stock: Dragoroth-stock, little-spacey, mimose-stock, Dralliance-Stock, Dracoart-Stock, gaiastock, CAStock
Brushes: iMouritsa
Coding & graphics: kuschelirmel-stock
© 2013 - 2025 kuschelirmel
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