I live in Germany, so expect quite a few pictures in this folder :D Currently, I live in a small town next to Frankfurt am Main. Before that in Karlsruhe and before that with my parents on the "Schwäbische Alb", north of Ulm. Stock Rules What you can do: :pointr: use my stock anywhere you like, on and off dA, for whatever you like (including webdesign, manips, references and in a journalistic fashion to illustrate an article) commercially or non-commercially as long as you: a) Credit me with a link to this account! b) Show me what you've done (if you're not a dA Member you can e-mail me at kuschelirmelgooglemail.com) What you can't do: :pointr: No redistribution as stock or photography in its own right, meaning: no upload to the stock or photography gallery and no giving away my stock anywhere the way it is. Not on Stock CDs (including for magazins), not uploaded to stock sites, not on a personal basis via your website or instant messenger. If you want people to get my stock, send them here so they can download it! :pointr: No "stock from stock". No premade backgrounds, no brushes. My full rules can be found here