The Lighting Tutorial - Part 2kuschelirmel-stock on DeviantArt

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December 31, 2010
Suggester's words: The Lighting Tutorial - Part 2 by =kuschelirmel-stock includes so many helpful tips; not just the explanation about handling lighting is awesome, but also all of the little tricks that one would overlook in Photoshop (or at least, that I have overlooked for years) that really could come in handy at times of need in Photoshop.
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kuschelirmel-stock's avatar

The Lighting Tutorial - Part 2



The Lighting Tutorial, Part 2 :boogie:
It's the second of a two part series; part one can be found here. Obviously you should read that first ;)

About the tutorial:
I have no idea how comprehensive this is - it sure was hard to write, harder than my previous tuts. Lighting is such a complex thing and much of what I do is by gut instinct. It was hard to get this gut-feeling-thing written out in a somewhat coherent fashion ^^;

Part 1 [link] deals with the basics, like what should your manip look like before you start, which stock is the most suitable and which questions you should answer before you even start. It shows you how you can add the bigger shadows using gradients and how you can adjust an object's colour to better fit with its environment in a very quick-and-easy way.

Part 2 covers overall lighting and colourizing before showing a different method of setting highlights and shadows than "just painting them in" thus giving you a starting point so you don't have to paint in everything from scratch. Also, it touches on how to get those "really glowy" highlights.

:bulletblue: In any case, I'd appreciate it if you'd let me see what you've created - I'm curious like that.
:bulletblue: Comments & Feedback always welcome :heart:


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CaoChiNhan's avatar
Thank you very much.