Splat Brusheskuschelirmel-stock on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kuschelirmel-stock/art/Splat-Brushes-49773188kuschelirmel-stock

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Splat Brushes


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ps7 and up

I've held those back long enough I guess ^^;
The fact is, I've had these brushes (or at least the pictures for them) since October or something, but always forgot to upload... It has one good thing though: instead of relying on the (this time very crappy) preview you can check out some of my work to see how I've used these so far ;)
Here are some examples: `sml-e's journal (use dark red and set the blend mode to multiply - works wonders in terms of blood lol) ~ May ~ October ~ DesigningDivas Contest Entry

Have fun and show me your results!

Rules are in my Journal

:bulletblue: How to install, use, create brushes: [link]

M O R Eb r u s h e s

For even more Photoshop brushes, visit my brush collection
© 2007 - 2025 kuschelirmel-stock
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