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How to choose stock for photomanipulations



When you start out in manipulating images - and often even when you've done it for what feels like ages - you tend to choose stock based on its flashy looks rather than the actual usability. I am sure gulty of that one myself still, so I thought I'd write an article outlining the five things you should definitely watch out for when choosing stock. And no one says you cannot choose the stock despite its flaws -- but if you know what you're getting into, things will be much easier!

full tutorial on my blog @ artofkuschelirmel.de:

Tutorial Overview

Overview: My TutorialsThis is an overview of the Photomanipulation / Photoshop Tutorials available in my Gallery. Some are a little old (still using PS7), but the principles are still valid (even though some of the really old ones may seem outdated aesthetically). Generally, the further down in each list, the newer the tutorials. Tutorials with this symbol youtube Icon  are video tutorials - the newer ones can also be found on my youtube channel.
There are now also photography and stock/resources providing guides listed below the manip ones :aww:
At the bottom, you will also find a list of possible future tutorials, a collection of ideas. If you have something I could add to this list, do feel free to comment and let me know!
If you want to get a reminder each time I update this list, please tell me in a comment - I'll create a list of people at the bottom and you

youtube Icon my video tutorials on youtube

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