kuschelirmel-stock on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kuschelirmel-stock/art/Gone-Photomanipulation-Walkthrough-825807905kuschelirmel-stock

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Gone - Photomanipulation Walkthrough

Location  Karlsruhe


A walkthrough on my artwork Gone - in real time this took 2 hours, I have sped it up so you don't have to sit through every move ;) While I do explain what I'm doing, I'm not going into an awful lot of detail since I wanted to show you the image creation process from start to finish. 

If you would like some more explanation on one thing or other, please let me know - I will try to explain via comment or by doing a technique oriented video for once :love:

R E L A T E D artwork

Full stock credits on the original artwork.
I would appreciate it if you did not simply recreate my art, but if you rather used the things you learn here to incorporate in your own art. I'd love to see if you do :heart:

More TUTORIALS, GUIDES and RESOURCES can be found on my BLOG
and of course here on my dA stock account

Overview Tutorials: 
Overview: My TutorialsThis is an overview of the Photomanipulation / Photoshop Tutorials available in my Gallery. Some are a little old (still using PS7), but the principles are still valid (even though some of the really old ones may seem outdated aesthetically). Generally, the further down in each list, the newer the tutorials. Tutorials with this symbol youtube Icon  are video tutorials - the newer ones can also be found on my youtube channel.
As of April 2018, I have my own website artofkuschelirmel.de where I will host all my tutorials in the future - I will also upload previews here, but on the BLOG everything will be up first :aww: So if you like, hop on over and if you are feeling super generous , I'd love to see you comment there, too. So far, there is no mailinglist or anything yet (gotta set everything up first, see how it goes), bu

Comments are the ultimate compliment - they keep me going Heart
Image size
1200x920px 350.77 KB
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