FaLLEN: To the Rescue!Kurumi-Lover on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kurumi-lover/art/FaLLEN-To-the-Rescue-602321599Kurumi-Lover

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FaLLEN: To the Rescue!



Super last second entry for the contest :iconogawaburukku: is holding for her original manga series "FaLLEN", a magical girl series about a group of amnesiacs who fight to uncover the mysteries both around them and within themselves.
I had been wanting to draw fan art for this series for quite some time and this felt like an opportune moment.

I met the creator at San Japan last year, and she's super chill and awesome, so please support her works aahh.

Hopefully, working on this and my next contest entry will get me back into a drawing groove to get some more art finished! It's my comeback, after all.

Artwork (c) Jonathan Castleman :iconkurumi-lover:
Characters - FaLLEN (c) Ogawa Burukku :iconogawaburukku:

Read FaLLEN here: ogawaburukku.com/fallen/

Other contest art pieces by me:
.:. I Choose You .:. by Kurumi-LoverTeam Girl Power by Kurumi-LoverSanta and His Elf by Kurumi-LoverSuper Heroine Team! by Kurumi-Lover
Image size
4961x7016px 9.94 MB
© 2016 - 2025 Kurumi-Lover
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OgawaBurukku's avatar
TOTALLY meant to get to this last month, but here goes: AN ACTUAL COMMENT!!!

I've already said this, but I loved seeing my characters in your style. I don't think I actually knew you could draw, either, until you showed me this, and then I looked at your gallery and was like "HOW AM I NOT WATCHING HIM!?" That has happened so many times... I think after ten years I still only watch like 150 people...

Love the energy, love your colors (cel shading FTW) and was really happy to see that all the judges really liked this, too. Congrats again for winning! I'll send you a proof jpeg sometime this month to make sure I've got your credited the way you want it ^^