Sleepykurohiko on DeviantArt

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kurohiko's avatar




..this looks like something from my "Sketchbook" series (aka HALF-ARSED). :| But... see... I really meant it to look pastel-y? ^^;

..totally didn't mean it to look half-arsed. ;_; But I really like it... kinda... Sorta...

..ok, ok, I myself am not sure about it, but whenever I look at this, I yawn. D: And... well... I like it for that.

..I am repeating myself over and over, so I will sleep now.

Kuromi/Kurumi when she crosses over to Loveless' world. :3 My comforter looks like that in a way. :3 My mom bought it for me. :heart: Wish I had her PJs though.

The tiny "tattoo" on her ankle reads as "ROZEN", her true name. :3 She is Rozen's fighter, and her sacrifice is Hiiragi Keiichi.
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Sibilant-Whisper's avatar
Oh wow that would be an awesome story! XD I'd absolutely love that. Someone write it so that I may reeeeeeead *_*