kurohiko on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/kurohiko/art/Earl-Cain-Hargreaves-127922473kurohiko

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kurohiko's avatar

Earl Cain Hargreaves



I should be asleep? Yes... 2:30am.

Caru gave Polychromatic the idea of how Cain Hargreaves of Godchild would have a "pimped" top hat. Andrew decides to have Izumi Konata of Lucky Star Photoshop the hat on a photo of Cain.

...and I end up drawing the idea since I was so amused. :D

Cain looks like a teenage version of Kuroshitsuji's Ciel Phantomhive though. Or maybe a younger version of Sebastian? I dunno...

No, my scanner is still dead, this was all done with my faithful Wacom and Photoshop. BG is a photo of a cafe I took last March 2009.

Hope you guys like it. :heart:
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YamiKakyuu's avatar
Beautiful! But when is Cain not beautiful!