Tutorial: Arctic Foxkuren247 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kuren247/art/Tutorial-Arctic-Fox-1123243500kuren247

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Tutorial: Arctic Fox


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Lately, I want to try making stuff that's not pony-related while still keeping in the style you know. Try to branch out into other things. DA has this tutorial about creating an Arctic Fox, and I wanted to take that on. I started out by making a regular pony body and looking up references, and I did my best to replicate what an Arctic Fox would look like. Wanted to add a bit of "gorgeous" to it for it to really pop. For yourselves, this Arctic Fox's name will be up for interpretation; nothing will be set in stone. Go with whatever you think with.

Hope you all enjoy^^

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Eninka11's avatar

Will you make a template? Please.fox base