Kurama-chan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kurama-chan/art/Background-practice-Floating-island-302927999Kurama-chan

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-- Background practice - Floating island --



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This is actually a drawing of two things at once XD

- A background practice for :iconmilieuprelude: group

- A request for a background game for JumpButton Studios, by JumpButtonStudio
Because I always wanted to participate in a game somehow

My references for a floating island?
Of course it would be Zeal from Chrono Trigger, this place will always be on my heart like one of the most magic ones.

And this one: www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WTrcE…

I'm glad I got out of my confort zone.
I just wish to get better.

Please check other scenarions I drew: -- Background commission for Bitterherbs -- by Kurama-chan -- Background commission for Bitterherbs 02 -- by Kurama-chan

Edit: Permission was allowed for use in skypirates.brentnewhall.com, since the requirer afforded a tax for it.

Thanks a lot for the comments! ^_^
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1181x843px 623.91 KB
© 2012 - 2024 Kurama-chan
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TGC189's avatar

floating islands are amazing