KupoGames's avatar


Matt Roszak
Artist // Professional // Digital Art
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Heart: Love is in the air, someone is thinking of you! (2)
Gold Coin: Someone thinks you're golden! (5)
Emerald: It's a great honor to be awarded an Emerald badge! (2)
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Diamond: It's the highest of honors to be awarded an exclusive Diamond badge! (3)
My Bio

Guy responsible for the Epic Battle Fantasy video game series.
Follow me on Newgrounds: https://matt-likes-swords.newgrounds.com/

Hey guys, since Twitter and Facebook suck (and DeviantArt too), I'm trying to scam people into following me on Newgrounds. I will be giving away Steam keys for Epic Battle Fantasy 5, one of the best RPGs of all time, to a random 10% of people who start following me on Newgrounds. So if 1,000 people follow me, I'll give out 100 keys, and so on. Please share this news with your friends! If you already own the game, you'll have a spare key to give to a cool person! Keys will be given out in a few days, and I'll keep this going for as long as new people keep coming. (The scam is that you have to follow me, which could be a waste of your time.) (If you already follow me, you might have to unfollow me and follow me again to enter.)Here's the link:https://matt-likes-swords.newgrounds.com/news/post/1507497
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Summary of 2024

0 min read
Yo, here’s a summary of my year, in no particular order:• I ported Epic Battle Fantasy 4 to Android, but the Play Store algorithm did not bless me this time. I didn’t even bother to port it to iOS, which wouldn’t have been much extra work. Mobile development in general is such a chore with the technical and legal requirements changing every year – I just can’t feel any enthusiasm for it. The only reason I stuck with it is because EBF5 did surprisingly well on Google Play, but the numbers are gradually declining.• Otherwise I spent the year mainly working on Matt’s Hidden Cats at a casual pace. The gameplay content is almost finished, but I’ve gotta wrap it all up nicely with some nice menus, flavour text, and general embellishments. Would be nice to have the game finished in 2025, but the scope keeps increasing. • I went to Morocco in April with my brother. He found incredibly cheap Ryanair flights, so we had no choice. We spent half of our time in Marrakesh, mostly in the old town
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Twitter is kill

0 min read
Hey guys, Twitter was just banned in Brazil! Brazil is one of my biggest markets, and I'm more active on Twitter than anywhere else, so I figure I'd mention that I'm also @KupoGames on BlueSky. BlueSky is basically the same as Twitter, but not owned by a Nazi billionaire, and not overrun by bots and shills yet. Kinda cool, but I don't have many followers there yet. You should consider following me there, even if you're not banned from Twitter! https://bsky.app/profile/kupogames.bsky.social In return, here's an unrelated photo of some pigeons my mum made.
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Profile Comments 9K

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Love your games bro!

add moar cat plz

Big fan of your games. Played them since I was young.

Thanks for making 'em.

What did the gun said to the other gun to climb a wall?


“Everyone can turn their dreams into reality. Sure you may feel like you hurt, steal and lie along the way. It will beat you down, it will cut you right to your very soul and reduce you to ashes. But those that are successful always strive to achieve their goals, no matter how tough it may be. Just like an Epic Battle Fantasy”
