Joka and GhadiusKultana on DeviantArt

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Joka and Ghadius



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Words cannot describe how proud I am of this picture. It was a vast improvement from the old profile pictures.

So Joka and Ghadius are now in the Gamers group. They're currently on neutral ground mostly because they're not in Phantomile anymore. But rest assured, the nightmare's on.

Joka, Ghadius (c) Namco
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480x640px 117.71 KB
© 2011 - 2025 Kultana
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Akhenamen's avatar
When I first saw Ghadius as a kid, I didn't know he was wearing a mask (the graphics aren't that detailed in the PS1 version). I thought his face was actually shaped like that, lol. But when you see the bottom part of his face clearly, he actually looks quite effeminate. I wonder what he looks like without the mask.