KuldarLeement on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kuldarleement/art/After-fall-430781978KuldarLeement

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After fall



After fall is actually my Fallout inspired remix work (so it could fit as a wallpaper too) from book cover what I made for Kaye Wagner new book "Legendary Detective Where the World Begins".

"Carnival nights are what dreams are made of, a time where mysteries between strangers reveal themselves under the festive glow of the city lights, where new worlds are opened up, daring those brave enough to challenge their wild and unseen vistas.

This is the Festival for Hunters in the Metropolis of Teigen, a night to remember under the bright carnival lights, a time where the city is enamored by the return of their forgotten breadwinners, Hunters, lurkers beyond city limits, lost in the dangerous trenches of a forgotten forest where fortune is made through their blood.

Follow Detective Kirin as he discovers new truths about the Metropolis of Teigen and its city of Hunters, finding himself prey to their wrath while having his own mysteries exposed under the bursting lights of carnival fireworks and the watchful eyes of a woman determined. "

You can buy this awesome story here: www.amazon.com/dp/B00I5ASG8K

Prints: www.kuldarleement.eu

ART PRINTS:     Artflakes | Society6 | InPrnt
FOLLOW:     Portfolio | Facebook fan-page | Tumblr

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Image size
1920x1080px 1.81 MB
© 2014 - 2024 KuldarLeement
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This user on steam stole your artwork by the way

 if they stole anymore of your work as they are trying to pass it off as their own work. They give no credit to you and anyone who calls them out just gets blocked and their comments deleted.