ShadowheartKukuruyoArt on DeviantArt

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KukuruyoArt's avatar




Everyone's favorite waifu from Baldur's gate 3 (according to the game data), Shadowheart. I also drew some NSFW of her and Shar in my patreon, and a video with the process. Check my commission rates and support my patreon for mature content.
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992x1374px 498.43 KB
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GrimmLusus's avatar

Weren't you the one who made a comic about how much you hate Modern D&D, it's "forced diversity", and the "woke" removing old D&D's insensitive content because it made everyone "Grey goo"?

Triggerhappy: DnD woke edition

Now you're shilling your nsfw fanart of the MOST diverse game released in ages, where everyone is bisexual, has no concept of D&D's older insensitivity, and is generally the most woke thing in gaming? Don't you STILL make posts complaining about "woke" shit?

Are you a grifter, an idiot, or a hypocrite?