Mutation - Orthrus

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Orthrus NEW by Kuku-ri Orthrus Prairie by Kuku-ri

Also known as "siamese twins," this mutation creates another feeling and thinking head to a puppy. The intelligence level of the second head seems to wary, but they are often on the same level with each other. A kuku with two heads often has more difficulties in navigating thanks to two heads choosing directions, and as such they suffer -1 speed penalty and might hurt each other in frustration - however, in fights the another head often gives them an advantage, so they get a bonus in fighting, gaining +1 attack.

If you wish, you may edit the import so that the second head has the same ears and horn as the first one, however it must be done so that it fits the import and how the ears/horns look. If they look too out of place your design might be unapproved, so keep that in mind! Same goes with prairie feathers.

Orthrus with Eyeless or Blind/Deaf mutation

If the kukuri has both Orthrus and Eyeless mutations, both heads need the eyeless mutation added.

Orthrus with Blind/Deaf mutation requires both heads to have the mutation. You can choose blind for one head, and deaf for the other, blind for both or deaf for both heads. As long as both heads have mutation, you're free to mingle! 

Examples for Orthrus in existing Kukus
    Micah 11540 by Kuku-ri  Kimchi 12634 by Kuku-ri  Arakne 10644 by Kuku-ri  Akaal and Avon 9037 by Kuku-ri  Deimos and Phobos 13090 by Kuku-ri  The Hunger 12147 by Kuku-ri  Ladon 12880 by Kuku-ri  Demeter 10052 by Kuku-ri

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