Jimi HendrixKubah on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/kubah/art/Jimi-Hendrix-53488450Kubah

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Daily Deviation

January 18, 2010
Outstanding typography by hand! Jimi Hendrix by ~Kubah
Featured by Sander-Seto
Kubah's avatar

Jimi Hendrix



A project for my typography class. I had to create a typographical poster by hand that
was specific to a certain decade of my choosing. I decided on the late 60's.
Not sure what kind of paper I used but it was stapled to a Bainbridge board.

The words surrounding him say:

"When I was a little boy, I believed that if you put a tooth under your pillow,
a fairy would come in the night and take away the tooth and leave a dime.
Now, I believed in myself more than anything."

His afro says:
"Jimi Hendrix Experience."

The bubbles say:
"One night only"
"Friday may 10th."

In between the bubbles it says:
"Independence Hall."
Image size
800x1200px 1.08 MB
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jumble-bee's avatar
The use of font cleverly depicts that funky era & the stark contrast of your style is perfect. Fantastic work!