Sweet SerenityKThirteen on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kthirteen/art/Sweet-Serenity-107933679KThirteen

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KThirteen's avatar

Sweet Serenity



made from pentools and poems. the flowers are made with a poem called "the black rose", the body is made of two poems named an "athlete dying young" and "a sweet rose". i lost the links to these poems though lol xD.

i could go into more detail of what it means including colours and what not but im tired, so maybe ill update this some other time lol.
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1000x702px 210.29 KB
© 2008 - 2025 KThirteen
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Phantasmagorical2662's avatar
I like it. The thing i like the most in your design are poems as the building blocks of various elements in the design. Very clever idea.

But I don't like those circles & arcs. They somehow don't fit into this design.