peacock.dragonKryslara on DeviantArt

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I've been working on this restoration project for a while. The original can be found here in my old gallery on my inactive account: peacock.dragon

I liked the idea that I had at the time, and I wanted to update it. I added a bunch more colorful feathers and re-painted the peacock feathers. I'm not sure if I'm going to bring over any other old artwork from the old gallery, or if I should just stop after this one. We'll see.

Painted in both Adobe Photoshop CC and Paint Tool Sai (for the feathers).

Do not copy or duplicate or so help me I will destroy you. :iconverynotimpressedplz:
Image size
2040x1331px 1.94 MB
© 2019 - 2025 Kryslara
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cemac's avatar
I have included this amazing artwork in the new feature for May 2019 on the front of the :icondigitaldelights: journal. Please +fav the journal so that more members may see your art, and thank you for being a member.Heart