Hi, there!
I usually draw pictures related to Touhou Project, or topics that are likely to be found on Slavic Review articles. I hope you'd find my works enjoyable!
I'm truly grateful for your comments, messages and favs. Please feel free to add comments if there's anything you need to say.
I'm also active in a website called pixiv (www.pixiv.net), though I'm not really sure whether I can talk about another website here...
Current Residence: my house
Favourite genre of music: anything that doesn't irritate my ears
Favourite style of art: anything, but especially Mexican mural art, Russian rubok, Flemish painting and Japanese ukiyo-e
Operating System: XP <look like an emoticon, don't they?
MP3 player of choice: iPod Classic
Shell of choice: Bathynomus giganteus, an awesome-looking gigantic isopod from the South Pacific!
Skin of choice: If you are talking about MY skin, obviously that's yellow
Favourite cartoon character: Gena the Crocodile from Cheburashka, Gadget Hackwrench
Personal Quote: I got a rock.
Favourite Visual Artist
Leonard Foujita, Ivan Bilibin, Norman Rockwell, Claude Monet
Favourite Movies
Kin-dza-dza!, Cuckoo, Porokh, Kolya, Sleepy Hollow, etc.
Favourite TV Shows
Law & Order, The Simpsons, The Mentalist
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Vladimir S. Vysotsky, Bob Dylan, Woodie Guthrie, Dougie MacLean, and many more
Favourite Writers
F. M. Dostoyevsky, V. M. Garshin, A Tabucchi, Hagiwara Sakutaro, Sakaguchi Ango and many more
Favourite Games
Touhou Project, Mushihime-sama, Shikigami no Shiro, Tetris
Favourite Gaming Platform
Gameboy, PC
Tools of the Trade
pencil and paper
Other Interests
Reading, Linguistics, Slavistics, Entomology, Anthropology