AJP Measles from SternKrulos on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/krulos/art/AJP-Measles-from-Stern-465030787Krulos

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AJP Measles from Stern



AJP Measles arrving to port, for usual maintenance and crew rotation...

  This is a Playmobil "Pirate shipboat" that i have since 30 years ago...

It is not the oldest toy that I have, but it is without doubt one of the most iconic, The first war shipboat, I received it as a birthday gift when I was 5 years old, then sick measles and therefore I had no party, I was weeks locked up in my room, while playing hours with this toy.

  At this moment has all his original crew members, some playmobil figures were added in subsequent years during my childhood, equipment, munitions and materials of the ship were losing over the years during the war against my brother toys, although at the same time I was in constant search of spare parts well achieved my adulthood, that is why looks ok by now...

    Still  Proudly displays his scars, the mast fore is repaired, as well as rope and mooring recovered materials more resistant, some unions cover and general structure ties begin to show wear, plastic is now more brittle, i could say because of all the repairs, it could be a Custom Playmobil Pirate ship, Modern Playmobil shipboat would look slightly differents, also now has more cannons.

this toy is a very special place in my heart, while my brother had figures and Star Wars ships, and I have not... This vessel represent one of the main assets in the defence, later I also had figures of Star Wars, Gi joe, Cobra and Masters of the Universe... But the very first warship is this one... the AJP Measles.
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1536x2048px 724.76 KB
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1/500 second
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Date Taken
Jul 1, 2014, 10:10:14 AM
© 2014 - 2025 Krulos
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MoonyMina's avatar
Ahoy!!! what a great ship!