Enrollment is currently CLOSED.
You can send us a note for app checks while the mission is ongoing. Then when we reopen you can submit a join request with a link to the application.
Be sure to link completed apps in your join requests!
You are an Aeniama....
... a small fox-like being that has started out it's life with only one tail. You control an affinity (a special elemental power) that helps you survive as you search for "artifacts" so that you can evolve and survive. Your ultimate goal is to reach the highest level (level one) in Labyrinth city, as well as gain your ninth tail and become a god. In order to advance to the upper levels of the labyrinth city you must collect Kros (energy), Kros beads (small magical beads) and artifacts, small stone like keys. This key will help you and your fellow members climb farther into the city. Beware, though! Humans and their monstrous hunters will try to capture and kill you! Only when you reach level 1 and gain your final tail will your true origins be revealed! Good luck, you will need it!
Take on the life of an Aeniama (fox spirit) and try to survive the dangers of Labrynth city.
This group is mission/plot based. Your fox evolves and changes form with Kros. Together with all the Aeniama unlock the labyrinth and become gods...If you're not killed first....
Think Survival- a giant game of hide and seek. Don't be caught, don't be found, don't be killed.
The group is on hiatus/reformat. Currently due to life situations there is no ETA for completion, feel free to 'watch' the group for updates.
You can watch groups by navigating to your 'watch' tab. Select the three dots on any deviation and select 'watch settings'. This navigates to the old 'manage watchers' page and on the right you can type in 'krosfox' to watch deviants to add us.
If we do return we will likely be primarily discord based due to how Eclipse issues making it difficult to moderate/keep track of submissions and manage rp groups.
If you have any questions, suggestions, concerns, or comments, please reply here! Thankyou!