Kriven-Raven's avatar


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29 Watchers96 Deviations

The Poor Man's Wealth by Kriven-Raven, literature

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The Poor Man's Wealth by Kriven-Raven, literature

End of Day by Kriven-Raven, literature

Remix by Kriven-Raven, literature

T'Was the Night Before Present by Kriven-Raven, literature

An Understanding by Kriven-Raven, literature

The Secret Stall by Kriven-Raven, literature

Angel by Kriven-Raven, literature

The Admirer's Voice by Kriven-Raven, literature

Mad Cat by Kriven-Raven, literature


Deviation Spotlight

Moo Says the Cow by Kriven-Raven, literature

  • Aug 14, 1991
  • United States
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • He / Him
My Bio

Hey, my name's Nathan DiYorio. Currently a student in high school, but we all know how that is: Sex, Drugs and Homework.

I currently wish to be an author of short stories, novels and everything inbetween in a wide variety of genres, ranging from depressing teenage angst-filled slice-of-life stories to the wonderous and beautiful magic that can only be found in the world of fantasy. Also, horror and sci-fi.

I am cool with people using my poems or pictures on other websties provided that they credit me properly as either "Nathan DiYorio" or "Kriven Raven" and post a link to my DeviantArt Page. That's this page, for those of you who didn't know. Where prose is concerned I would love it if, instead of copying my whole story, you took an excerpt of about three-hundred words then posted a URL to the story from my DeviantGallery. Thanks :D (Big Grin)

Favourite genre of music: Alternative/Metal
Favourite style of art: Anime though I usually like an original artist-specific twist to the art
Operating System: Windows Vista
MP3 player of choice: Windows Media Player

Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Movies
Not really sure I have one, there's so many
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
I have a few favorites... Evans Blue, Trapt, Switchfoot, Evanescence. That's just a couple of &
Favourite Games
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Favourite Gaming Platform
GameBoy Advance... It's like the SNES 2
Tools of the Trade
Pen and Notebook
Other Interests
Anime, Manga, Games, etc.
Super Mario Land 2  is the equally-odd follow-up to 1989's Super Mario Land , a game which I hold dear to my heart and reviewed not long ago . While the original Super Mario Land  was more of an aesthetic departure from the majority of the series, even including a pair of levels which were downright in the wrong genre, its younger brother takes a step back towards the traditional Mario  style of visuals and play while also being damn sure to retain the weirdness from its predecessor. Mario will travel through six lands to get back to his castle, including a short trip into outer space and a dizzying climb through a clockwork tower that...
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Playing Super Mario Land  got me thinking about something which has bugged me for quite some time, and I think I've finally found an answer (though it's one I've suspected for quite a while.) Before I really get into this, though, I have to give a warning that this is just the thoughts of a nerd who over-analyzes things which the creators have not typically bothered to care about. But I just like to put myself in these fictional places and imagine how that particular world works. I dunno. If that makes me a loser, then so be it.Back to the topic at hand. Super Mario Land  takes place in a country known as Sarasaland, which is ruled over ...
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I'm sorry, more to myself than to my readers, that I go through these ridiculous phases. It's the most tiring on-again/off-again relationship I've ever had! My fickle mind. I can have a wonderful creative stretch going, but just a small interruption and it's right back to the intellectual and creative gutter for two or three months. That's not any way to live, and it's not any way to reach my dreams. I know that. But once you're in that gutter it's so damn hard to climb out. I never in my life thought that motivation to do something you enjoy doing would be one of the most difficult things to attain.It can be really hard to believe that cr...
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Profile Comments 33

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:rose:Thanks for joining :iconthe-free-pens:, Mr. DiYorio!:rose:
just found your web blog, followed it to your page at fb and found ur profile on here, ur an insanely creative and admirable person. at least thats what i think after this first introduction into your world of thoughts... i will be waiting for more. :)
Thanks for the fav and comment. :)
No problem. You're a great photographer ^_^
Thanks for the favorite 8D