Cloudykristarella on DeviantArt

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kristarella's avatar




I know, everyone has been doing these types of things... I wanted to try my hand at it too.
I used grass brushes [link] by ~Iceytina, and I think these sparkle brushes [link] by a faery with two names. Oh, and also one brush from tech brushes [link] and the clouds [link] by ~umboody. I was going to make my own clouds but I got tired searching through all my photos looking for decent clouds.
I made the cartwheeling person (not a giraffe as my husbnad thought) from a photo. I'm hoping to collect enough people to make a brush set.

1280x800 and 1280x1024 in zip file. Sorry, only realised recently that 1280x1024 isn't a normal ratio - those crazy Apple people.
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anniVV's avatar
wow, this is so beautiful!
it makes me feel better^^