Nude for 7krissirk on DeviantArt

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krissirk's avatar

Nude for 7



Nude for Win7. aero theme, need transparency enable.
for start orb: [link]

------------------- Update 07/02/10 ---------------------

- Final update: bug fixed with firefox menu.

------------------- Update 05/02/10 ---------------------

- for more usability, replace explorer address band and search box background. (you can see it in the right bottom preview)

------------------- Update 03/02/10 ---------------------

- update resources x64

------------------- BIG Update 01/02/10 ---------------

- fix menu text hover color problem .
- change the design of explorer toolbar buttons and menu toolbar buttons.
- transparency on normal close caption button in nude xl, as max/min.

------------------- Update 31/01/10 ---------------

- add resource for x64 ( thanks to Bluechild 1-1)
- fix bug with reflection main
- replace placesbar.

2 themes:

- Nude with minimal caption buttons
- Nude XL with classic caption buttons ( you can see it at the bottom right of the preview)

- i choose to leave the start button blank or nude , it's a personal choice. you can find here at DA a lot of great start button or leave the theme with my default blank start button.

- You need a patched system for using theme : [link] or : [link]

- Place the themes in your x:\Windows\Resources\Themes folder.

- For the StartButton you have to replace Explorer.exe in your Windows directory.

- Replace the explorerframe.dll in your x:\Windows\System32


** Wall's in the preview:

- at top :Las Ojas by delta909: [link]
- at bottom: Minimal by alexander-gg, included with this theme as a default background (thanks to alexander for the permission) : [link]

** icons in the preview, token by brsev : [link]



For Cd Art Display skin: [link]

For miranda IM skin: [link]

thanks to everyone for your support, kind comments & of course your :+fav: ... ;)

Copyright /Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.
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FoxyDevianlover's avatar

Loved it. Awesome work bro. This inspired me to work on this Nudify AI