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Deviation Actions

KrisSimon's avatar
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Hi :wave:

:new: since I got so many pageviews recently I was considering giving some journal features to people who hit certain numbers when they visit my profile. :D

It works like this: :new: I've just learnt that this process is called KIRIBAN... :stupidme: still, it goes like this -->
The numbers are announced below. The one who visits my profile and the number is shown makes a screenshot and sends it to krissimon@gmx.de as proof. I will take a look at their profile and will feature him or her in this journal with 3-5 (or more depending on the amount of deviations) pieces of their art. :clap: What do you think? :stupidme:  So - always be aware of the counter on top - don't miss your lucky number :heart: :woohoo:

Mail me, when you hit these numbers:

:bulletorange: 13.000

YES. My profile reached 13.000 and the lucky winner is :iconerkh-chuluu-amidrali:  She has been to DA only for a month and her gallery is not yet filled with a lot of stuff. So far she has taken snapshots of some US landscapes. Take a look at her gallery and maybe encourage her to enlarge the gallery and upload some more photos. :D Anyway, here are some of her pics.

A by Erkh-Chuluu-Amidrali F by Erkh-Chuluu-Amidrali P by Erkh-Chuluu-Amidrali I by Erkh-Chuluu-Amidrali

I was absent for two days due to my friend's doctorate degree party. He  passed his public oral test with magna cum laude and I'm very proud of him. So I really wasn't able to work things out on DA while I was away. BUT the festivities were held at lake Constance so I was in a nice place close to the Alps and took some great photos which I will upload later. :new:

For now I will feature :iconmomoscarletkaulitz: because she caught 13.113 :woohoo: She also suggested some of her friends which will be shown here too. It also semmes she is one of the biggest Tokio Hotel Fans on earth - you'll get the idea when you browse her gallery :D Enjoy:

Frohe Weihnachten Tokio Hotel :D by MomoScarletKaulitz group pic :D by MomoScarletKaulitz Diana -human form- by MomoScarletKaulitz Dina -human form- by MomoScarletKaulitz

Her friends' art:

:iconjojorules911: --> Halloween contest entry 1-jia by jojorules911 ohh girl by jojorules911 Darkness by jojorules911
:iconbloomoon9: --> :thumb184752607: :thumb178004075: :thumb205886634:

Watch out for these NUMBERS KIRIBAN :woohoo:

:bulletgreen: 13.666
:bulletorange: 14.000

:heart: - K R I S -

Journal Skin by pixiepot
© 2011 - 2024 KrisSimon
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RPN-miles's avatar
Nice idea! Would you also do this for me - in case I am the lucky one to get this number? Allthough you don't really know me... ?