bring me to lifeKrissi001 on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

June 10, 2011
bring me to life is by ^krissi001
Featured by moonbeam13
Suggested by BurgerBunny
Krissi001's avatar

bring me to life



:iconhappycriesplz: [link]

edit: June 5th 9:38pm CEST, i completely changed the ending and added some more details! it has now 520 frames :O and i removed the preview :aww:

I hope it is better now :lol:

edit: June 1st 12:19am CEST, i will modify the end a little bit :paranoid: :giggle: will be posted in a few days :P

This Emoticon is inspired by a couple of games that i have played some time ago, the games are "colour my dreams " and "colour my world" :love: you should take a look at them :eager:

I worked on the preview and the main deviation roughly 1 week :lol: but i didn't work on it every day :P

the preview has 124 Frames and the main deviation 258 520 :boogie:

I hope you like it :dummy:

the Font in the preview was made by =SparklyDest i removed the preview :noes:

Whoaa! :iconeeeeeplz: a massive thanks to `BurgerBunny and $Moonbeam13 for the DD :heart: :faint:

and also thanks to `stuck-in-suburbia, *spring-sky, *Nironan12, `Mirz123, ~AidanAsha, =SilentKara, ~cats0448, ~yarjor, *chromereaper and `SanguineEpitaph :heart: :blowkiss: ;D
Image size
150x150px 357.92 KB
© 2011 - 2025 Krissi001
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