Advent  calendar  project - door 25 openKrissi001 on DeviantArt

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Advent calendar project - door 25 open



Merry Christmas :happybounce:

Here is the Advent calendar project :squee:

Check back everyday to see what's behind each door :eyes:
You are able to click on each entry as soon as it has been released, it brings you to the creator of the entry :boogie:

As can you see the tree is very empty and doesn't look like a christmas tree :nuu:! You have the chance to make it prettier :eyes: You can create anything that should be on a christmas tree :iconfishieplz:

the rules:

:xmas: You can create up to 3 entries
:xmas: Your entry can be animated or static ;D (saved as .gif or .png)
:xmas: Write a comment here or send your entry in a note
:star: it would be awesome if you would spread the word about it :dummy:
:star: and it would be great if you mention that it is for this project
:xmas: Have fun :dummy:

I should mention that you can't create something for the doors! the entries for the doors have been done already :dummy:

The Entries will be added to this Folder ( [link] )
Image size
840x881px 990.34 KB
© 2011 - 2025 Krissi001
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Opirou's avatar
* allein schon die idee u_U