Kriskullett-Official on DeviantArt

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Kriskullett-Official's avatar

Thank You, Sir.


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For the day about one of the most vital organs in the pantry!!!EVIL Laughter!
--Er,:o (Eek)   or something.. Lol

With all the love "circulating" around, I too wanted to spread the RED on this lovely day! So, here's an overly saturated image for your eyes! 

Happy Valentine's Day, 2024!! Wink/Razz ~ Heart deviantART  
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1080x1363px 108.6 KB
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SeaweedRain's avatar

WOOOOOAAAH THIS IS SO COOL!!! So pretty <3 also the flowers in the foreground look amazing aaaaa everything about this is great

Happy Valentines Day! Hope you had a good one!

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