Sorry if I've been away guys. I've been getting ready to leave for the States. Packing my stuff and saying my goodbyes. It's kinda funny really. Just a few months ago, I was so damn excited to leave. Now I'm freakin scared. Didn't realize how hard this is. I mean I knew it was going to be difficult but I didn't realize how heart-wrenching this would feel.
Maybe because, most of my family and friends lives here in the Philippines. Maybe because I grew up here and have gotten used to it. I guess this is normal. Leaving everything that I've ever known and loved to a place I'm not familiar with. Though I was born in the states, I spent most of my life here in the Philippines.
I'm really going to miss it... and this DAMN SONG ISN'T REALLY HELPING! *brother is playing Nickelback - Photograph* Oh well I might meet some fine bronies there. I heard MLP is pretty popular over there.
I could stay... but I will never grow as a person if I stay here. I need to find my own way in life and I can't do that here. I want to make a name for myself! I guess the most important decisions are always the hardest ones to make. After all, I'm heading to the US to find a new career and a new direction for myself.
I took a trip down memory lane when I walked around to the neighborhood I grew up in one last time. Looking at the old house my family lived in, brought a tear to my eye. Every memory came rushing back to me. The good and the bad. I also took the time to spend time with my brothers and friends for a little Halo Reach! It was awesome! I'm really going to miss that! My dad also gave some good old fatherly advice. Wish we did that a long time ago. How come the only time you realize what you missed and what you have is when you're going to leave it? Stupid emotions!
Well its not like I'm not going to see them again. Its just that I won't be seeing them for a LOOOONG time. I'm not a very chatty person online and I'm usually distracted by work mostly. I hope to change that when I'm there. (I'll also still be in DA from time to time)
I have no idea why I wrote this now. Maybe because I wanted to get my thoughts out. It's been really bugging me. I had one hell of a ride. And its just going to get better! I just want to thank all my family and friends who supported me and molded me to the person I've become. I promise not disappoint them.
Now I'm about to embark on a new adventure in life.
I have no idea where life is taking me, but I'm ready to face it head on.