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37 Deviations

Bronic Confessions by ZephyrFiction, literature

Deviation Spotlight

  • Dec 26
  • Philippines
  • Deviant for 19 years
  • He / Him
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (288)
My Bio
Favourite genre of music: Rock
Favourite style of art: Cartoons, Western Comics
Favourite cartoon character: All FOP characters! (And OCs as well)
Personal Quote: "I can do all things, through Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13 NKJV

Favourite Visual Artist
Samwise, Butch Hartman, Bleedman, Rambrant
Favourite Movies
Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Luther, Passion of the Christ
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Relient K, Switchfoot, Matchbox20, Nickelback, Maroon 5
Favourite Writers
Shakespeare, Tolkein, Edgar Allan Poe, David, Solomon, Paul
Favourite Games
40k Dawn of War, Warcraft, Warmachine
Favourite Gaming Platform
Xbox, PC, PS2
Tools of the Trade
Flash, Photoshop, WACCOM, Scanner, PC, Drawing Board, Pencils, Erasers, Ruler, Paper
Other Interests
Cartoons, Strategy and RPG Games, Drawing, Photoshop, Animation, Flash
Sorry if I've been away guys. I've been getting ready to leave for the States. Packing my stuff and saying my goodbyes. It's kinda funny really. Just a few months ago, I was so damn excited to leave. Now I'm freakin scared. Didn't realize how hard this is. I mean I knew it was going to be difficult but I didn't realize how heart-wrenching this would feel. Maybe because, most of my family and friends lives here in the Philippines. Maybe because I grew up here and have gotten used to it. I guess this is normal. Leaving everything that I've ever known and loved to a place I'm not familiar with. Though I was born in the states, I spent most of m
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0 min read
It seems there has been alot of buzz about Derpy being "fixed". I saw the New version of Derpy in "The Last Round-Up" and I do admit it didn't settle well with me. I still enjoyed the original. I didn't like the reason why they had her change. It didn't seem at all offensive in my opinion. When I first saw the scene in the animatic, I literally burst with joy. But I had a feeling that it might not settle with some fans and some people. Especially since people already have their own version of Derpy and people might get the wrong idea of her character. Its not often that cartoons show fan content. Cause sometimes when you include Fan content,
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By now you have already seen Episode 1 of season 2 of MLP. I sure hope you guys liked it so far cause there are still many more episodes on the way ^^ I know its been awhile since I last updated. Work in the office has kept me away from things like family, friends, girlfriend, videgames etc. Fortunately things are sorta slowing down so I might be able to update alot more . Its very hard to keep up a deadline in the animation business. The pressure... The stress... Ugh! However I might be transferred to a different show. I sure hope not. I love My Little Pony! Its not only a great show to watch but its a great show to animate as well. But it
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Happy Birthday!!!
Happy late birthday

HAPPY BIRTHDAYParty Hard! Star Wars Party Hard Icon We Like To Party! (TF2 Chat Icon) fella Gift (Party) Bill cipher party hardcore Party Hard Maknae Line pinky pie party canon emoticon Party Hard Jack! !

Party Hard! PARTY HARD rainbow party Blower fella (Party) Star Wars Party Hard Icon Dancing Pumkin head 2 Cheers fella white-wine (party) Bill cipher party hardcore Party Hard Maknae Line Homer Simpson Party Hard Gif Icon 1st Emoticon: Happy Birthday Party Hard Noodle Arms Icon Party Party Hard! Star Wars Party Hard Icon Blower fella (Party) fella's Gobbler (Party) fella Gift (Party) Cheers fella white-wine (party) Birthday cake  icon Homer Simpson Party Hard Gif Icon 1st Emoticon: Happy Birthday  Spideypool - Happy Birthday 1 Spideypool - Happy Birthday 2 Birthday cupcake Birthday cake  icon fella's Gobbler (Party) :iconhappybirthdayplz: :iconcakeplz:

I shall drink to your health!

Beer before Liquor; will get you sickerDrunk:iconbudweiserplz::iconwineplz::iconpintplz::iconwhiskeyplz::iconmargaritaplz::iconjackdanielsplz::iconchampagneplz::iconmartiniplz::iconheinekenplz:::iconrumplz::icontequilaplz:Efes Pilsen Bottle Efes Pilsen - Animated 2 Yeni Raki Efes Pilsen Can Emoji| Beer Marmara Gold Kulup Rakisi Istanblue Efes Malt  :vodkala: Tekirdag Rakisi Bazooka Altinbas Raki Tekel Birasi Lokka champagne Glass 1 Jim beam Emote [RT] Whiskey Wicca Glass Of Wine Emoji :winela: Wine Icon mini Wine Bottle Green [RT] Babilonian Wine :beercontest: Beer Emoji :cheers3: ChibiChelita BeerBacardi Icon big Bacardi Icon Bacardi Icon mid Bacardi Icon mini Bacardi Icon ultraminiEfes Malt Corona Extra Emote BeerMug Cheers :beer: Beer Mug Perv Thrusting Cheers fella white-wine (party) Cheers with Champagne Emoticon  :DrunkBummy: Drunk Revamp  Avatar for bloodmartini champagne Glass 1 A Drunk Guy   Drunk Revamp :icondrunkplz:

Or non-alcoholic if you prefer that!
Happy birthday