When you photograph people in color,
you photograph their clothes.
But when you photograph people
in Black and white,
you photograph their souls!
- Ted Grant
Ho ho ho! We are entering the winter time now! At least in my outside of time journal project. It will be beneficial considering latest heats, although it seems like the summer is pretty much over now. Again we have many great artworks to look at, so let's go straight to them 💙 I'm excited to announce that we have our 1st "Epic Pick" in the Favards series!
"Apple orchard I"
by rosaarvensis
"The heart dies a slow death"
by IstotaNocy
"Fighting Blue Jays"
by Nini1965
"European pied flycatcher"
by ErikEK
And off we go with the next overdue month! There are so many great artworks out there, and they're being overshadowed by new content so quickly, so I want at least to expand the lifetime of some highlights.
Here are the pieces that catched my eye the most:
"Bees for my brother"
by Esperoart
"Sparrowhawk #1"
"7396 Grey Heron among the flowers"
by RealMantis
I know, it's almost October 2024... But my last (and first) Favards took place in September 2023, so... yeah. Time is an illusion, just go with it I actually plan to go backwards with this series to celebrate pieces from recent years, but that's off-topic now. Here we are to admire pictures published on DA over the last year's October, and may I present to you my humble verdict in this kind of competition form thing!
I wanted to relaunch this when I catch up with everyone I'm watching, so I'll have at least a fraction of a sample I would like to base my mere opinions on... but you guys are making too much stuff! And I keep finding someone new to watch, and it seems to be never-ending, so... let's just work with what we have. After all, to be fully satisfied, I would have to look at every single picture here on DeviantArt, and that's not a very realistic approach, is it!? That's madness. We don't want that. It's just a fun project.
The winners!
by jindraho
"Cozy Cat"
by Bubble1712
And that's it for today. I invite you to explore further the galleries of mentioned artists to look for even more gems. Let's hope that we won't be waiting a whole year for the next part!
Have a good timezone!