
Light Warrior

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Krasska's avatar

Literature Text

I don’t mind the pain, you know

All those battles through the lifetimes

Tears I swallowed or let fall

Blood I couldn't stop from running

away from my body

trying to find a glimpse of liberation

Wounds that couldn't be closed

Holes, pierced throughout my heart

Oh, just anything

by could it escape

leaving its own creator.

Destroyed at last

this prison of the mind

with the scarred soul inside

Cage that's not even gilded

made with the burning flames of sorrow


At last


Free, to tell another story

Free, to kill another body

But fool, there is no out

You’re just pointing where to cut

Stop this farce at last I say

There is nothing to be feared

That’s indeed convincing tale

But it doesn't make it real

I will chop away your roots

With the sword I made of light

I am here to save the world

And no longer let you spread

Come, my warriors

Make a fire

Sit and rest from this whole chaos

All this time you have been fighting

with your own imagination

In divine there is no foe

darkness doesn't have its powers

Only you can be the source

of this storytelling rat.

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Lonewolf-Sparrowhawk's avatar

Looks good so far; can't wait to see more!