Friendly Game of Pokerkra on DeviantArt

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kra's avatar

Friendly Game of Poker



CSAG Chapter 7: A "Friendly" Game of Poker
"Say Elric, what say we double the bet?"

Ed didn't look up. "Whatever you say."

Zabini smirked as he laid down his cards, revealing three of a kind and a pair. "Sorry, Elric. Full house."

The other Slytherins looked impressed, some of them applauding the feat. Though Crabbe and Goyle didn't understand what was going on, they started to congratulate Zabini. The boy leaned back, a smug look on his face. Ed looked at the cards that were spread out on the table with a frown.

"You're good, Zabini."

This caused another ripple of excitement and more congratulations and praise was sent in Zabini's direction. However, Ed was undeterred as he adjusted his hold on his cards.

"But... you're just not good enough."


I was trying to get back into the groove of writing with some doodles, and... this happened. =3=

link to the fanfic: [link]

I do not own Harry Potter or Fullmetal Alchemist.
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© 2012 - 2024 kra
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BananaGramGirl666's avatar
OMG yes.. The expressions and the body positioning is just....I'm so happy right now. Great artwork!!!