The Equestrian Navy - SketchKP-ShadowSquirrel on DeviantArt

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The Equestrian Navy - Sketch



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In ancient times the seas were filled with unfathomable dangers. Only few were brave enough to venture out and seek glory. THIS is the story of two of those extraordinary souls. Two sisters, bound by destiny, set sail to bring forth a new age of adventure and excitement!

And now, everyone, let's join them on their epic quest for glory and donuts!

If you like my artwork and would like to support me, you can do that on Patreon. Every bit is much appreciated :meow:
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1500x1125px 746.02 KB
© 2014 - 2025 KP-ShadowSquirrel
anonymous's avatar
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Runoratsu's avatar
I especially LOVE this picture. It's so awesome, I can't even explain what appeals most to me about it… it just works in its entirety. I could look at it for hours!