hi i was wondering if you would like to donate me points or join my group. if not please have a look at my gallery and see if you lke anything or give me a llama or summit to show there is no hard feelings
if you give me points i will add u to my dev watch and have a look at all of your gallery and fave all that i like and give you a llama . i also give a 12 month premium membership to the person that donates me the most each month so far the most this month is 50 bu if you give more you will be more secure the winner is usually about 80 points but from all of the donations i still make more so i am happy to give the membership away.i also do pageviews 4 points
my group is called llama-all-the-way. i hope u like it.
hi i was wondering if you would like to donate me points or join my group.
if you give me points i will add u to my dev watch and have a look at all of your gallery and fave all that i like and give you a llama . i also give a 12 month premium membership to the person that donates me the most each month so far the most this month is 10 bu if you give more you will be more secure the winner is usually about 100 points but from all of the donations i still make more so i am happy to give the membership away.i also do pageviews 4 points
my group is called llama-all-the-way. i hope u like it.