I have doing this for 15 month now, and just 2 days ago I quitted this so called "hobby of making icons", and transferred my most successful and most worked on Icon packs called Ardis icon theme, and Ursa icon theme to Nitrux team, now they will continue to develop it.
Everything I was doing was for free. And I don't think I'll ever do this kind of hobby in any time soon.
Well, I'm really happy that you like my work, but you have to have one thing in mind, icon making is expensive, time consuming, and highly unprofitable process. Not that I'm saying that I have to earn money by doing this, no, I was making icons out of fun and in my free time. And I can't pay rent by doing fun side project like this anymore... It's just too expensive for me to continue with making icons for free for everybody.
You are free to fork and continue working on this icon pack by yourself, and not let it die yet.