Kostmeyer on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kostmeyer/art/SECRET-WARS-Chapter-3-4-118682157Kostmeyer

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SECRET WARS: Chapter 3.4



The creepiest character in the entire story makes an appearance - :iconandreaharper:s Suzanna! I'm not entirely sure what she's doing to Redd but I figure it's better (or maybe worse) left to the imagination! Now Zerkov's plan is revealed - bait the heroes into the open to be picked off by his forces - but has Redd managed to tell the heroes something useful?

:iconvalemeister: deserves major credit for her patience in sorting the lettering here!

Redd belongs to :iconjamibug:
Dr Destiny belongs to :iconthe-unlimited:
105-e belongs to :iconh12hardcore:
Lot (who looks quite uncomfortable with the scene he's witnessing) belongs to :iconaliaspseudo:
Joe Hero belongs to :iconcalvin228:
The Canadian belongs to :icongaston25:

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JacobDobson's avatar
It's a dark time for the good guys. I'm finding this better than the Marvel one!