''This better work!''Kosperry on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kosperry/art/This-better-work-595064075Kosperry

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''This better work!''



I saw Zootopia yesterday, as I mentioned in the description on this picture! Kosmotopia! by Kosperry And I also wrote a bit about how I liked the movie on there too! All in all....A totally fantastic movie! Its definitely a must-see!  It had a bit of that classic Disney animal movie vibe that I hoped it would. Like I said, I hadn't looked forward to a new Disney movie in ages, or any new movie for that matter. I had a feeling Zootopia would be the movie I would be excited for ever since the concept art a few years back, and it certainly delivered! Great job, Disney!

I was hoping to draw a few fanart pieces after I saw it, so here's a quick one I did of Finnick and Nick! Hope ya like. :la:
Image size
1178x805px 118.54 KB
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Funtime88's avatar

Dude the fact that u draw it in 2D style is awesome!