KosmosisChronicles's avatar


Years Ago
13 Members14 Watchers

Comments 36

anonymous's avatar
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Hey guys, I've been on a bit of a pilgrimage across the net and think i found a new homebase for us to RP!

What a classic.

They should totally make a movie about this.
Could someone link the chat?
Well, I went and established a chatroom for the group, little bit of P.R. thing and a meeting place for us when we're on. All members of the group should be ops on the group, and Moriadne, Red-Star-Flag, and my self are ranked at the top.
Have fun chatting!

Reminds me so much of the Auyuelcliads!
I'm not going into details, but I've got a rough draft of the first two arcs planned out. I don't know who else is a writer, so of course they have an equal amount of say and what-have-you.
...to be blunt, I don't see anybody else whipping out plot at this point, but hey. What's fair is what's fair.
I've got them sent off to Yuu/Moriadne for review and opinions and should hopefully get them back shortly, depending on situation.