kosmonauttihai on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kosmonauttihai/art/A-succulent-day-off-567154512kosmonauttihai

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kosmonauttihai's avatar

A succulent day off



Kagespouses on a stay-at-home date.

Mostly FireAlpaca with occasional editing in PaintShopPro. The textures and custom brushes are mine.

This took me two months and a week, and I had so much fun working on it I didn't want to finish it because then I'd have to STOP! I love painting small, detailed plants, it turns out.

You can reblog it here at tumblr. Please don't repost, the full picture is too big for tumblr anyway.
Image size
1355x888px 1.91 MB
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JRBeeler's avatar
The two humans think they are up to something, but the plants are conspiring behind their backs....