..Sweet Lolita.. MEGA DRESS UPkoruldia on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/koruldia/art/Sweet-Lolita-MEGA-DRESS-UP-413783023koruldia

Deviation Actions

Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

November 19, 2013
..Sweet Lolita.. MEGA DRESS UP by *koruldia
Also suggested by ~NAkos
Featured by SqueakyToybox
Suggested by SavageFrog
koruldia's avatar

..Sweet Lolita.. MEGA DRESS UP



You can re-use or alter any image taken from this game but NOT re-sell or do adoptables.
Alternative link: iriescope.blogspot.co.uk/p/swe… (full screen mode available)
Blog log: iriescope.blogspot.co.uk/2013/…

Sponsorship by dolldivine.com
Music by soundcloud.com/dentelle127
THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE DAILY DEVIATION `SavageFrog, =NAkos and ^SqueakyToybox :squee:
Lolita inspirations


It's been a year but... I'm back with a Sweet Lolita game, the Japanese street fashion based on Rococo and Victoria-era clothing. Please try out the powdery pastels, cupcakes, fruits, candies and ribbons, you can arrange your lolita outfit from over 200 items :la:
The game also includes a character sheet to create a Lolita ID card (in the menu click on "Finish" > "Create lolita id").


Since I have been pretty inactive here I'm happy to launch a new outfit contest!! Submit your best lolita and you may win a month of subscription to DA (or premium membership) or one of these adorable plushies I brought back from Japan and found recently(limited edition!).
To participate => koruldiagames.deviantart.com

outfit contest prize 1 by koruldiaoutfit contest prize 2 by koruldiaoutfit contest prize 3 by koruldia


Comment with your links! :)
..My lolita character card.. by koruldiaTimera (Sweet Lolita contest entry) by MeriancelKaeru by I-eat-bishies
Image size
780x550px 2.55 MB
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Pink and fluffy
