WATER you doing, can't you use puns KORRActly? Your weak puns cause me much AANGst. You'll find that my puns are pretty TOPH to beat, though ~ they will MAKO you cry. Isn't it getting pretty TENZIN here? Or is it just me? We should probably take a break and do a little BOLIN.
Yeah, IROHed the line with these puns, AMONstopPABU. (2X PUN COMBO!!)
What's that? You wanna SOKKA me in the face now? I see the FIRE in your eyes. I must have BENT you the wrong way. For a second ASAMI life flash before my eyes. I'd APPAlogize, but after I SATOn it for a minute, I decided just to leave it all up in the AIR because you just can't match the sheer gEARTH of these awesome puns.