Who is Professor Michael Verres-Evans?Korn-Elia on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/korn-elia/art/Who-is-Professor-Michael-Verres-Evans-377489774Korn-Elia

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Korn-Elia's avatar

Who is Professor Michael Verres-Evans?



Trying out different things, here are some versions of the esteemed professor I came up with.

**(If you want to see the attempt at Professor a)+d) with a little 10th doctor (ok, a lot), check out korn-elia.deviantart.com/art/A… )**  

Which is closest to how you see him? Feel free to mix and match face, hair colour or style as you please! I'm just curious and trying to form a better picture of this character.

Some of the things I kept in mind when drawing him:
- he is very smart and well respected
- he puts education first and is a Good Parent
- he is probably in his late 30's or early to mid 40's
- he seems a little arrogant, refusing to accept the possibility of magic
- he is a little condescending when speaking to other people
- he doesn't respect his son's opinion
- he met and married his wife after she became pretty enough from drinking a magic potion

Please let me know what you think!
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Date Taken
Jun 12, 2013, 12:41:27 PM
© 2013 - 2025 Korn-Elia
anonymous's avatar
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I don't tend to have a clear picture when I read. But when I saw your art, I saw the first one (a) as Mr Verres-Evans and then wondered who the other guys were.

D also looks rather good, but I thought it was a grown up Harry, or at least a blood relation. I'd say it was his bio-dad, but in a universe where he was also Ravenclaw. He just looks like he loves reading books, but is sassy about it (kinda like the Tenth Doctor, since you mention it).