Request - Pinkie PieKopachris on DeviantArt

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Kopachris's avatar

Request - Pinkie Pie



An anonymous request from Ponychan. The Anon wanted "Wall-sized-printable-5-ft-tall kind of big." I promised him a 40k image, but the archive includes a 3k and an 18k (18k should be big enough for 5-ft-tall at 300dpi) and is already 3MB, so I didn't include the 40k image. In addition to the aforementioned 3k and 18k, there's an 800px-wide preview image, a WIP lineart render, and the original that the Anon posted when asking for a bigger version. Oh, and the Inkscape SVG, of course.

I did make a few stylistic adjustments to some strokes and the eye accents/highlights, based on my own interpretation of the show's style.

UPDATE: Minor fixes to eyes and teeth.

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© 2011 - 2025 Kopachris
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ObbsessedAnimeGeek95's avatar
She Looks So Adorable! :3 :iconpinkiepieplz: